Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018

CoTrader Blockchain Decentralized Funds Marketplace for Crypto

CoTrader solves the complexity problem of investment management, and aims to become the world’s largest investment funds marketplace by democratizing the $85 trillion global funds industry. For the first time in history, investors, now powered by CoTrader’s blockchain platform, can have their investments managed with complete transparency, control of assets, and proof of a fund’s past returns-on-investments (ROI). CoTrader’s MVP already supports cryptos, and is live on the Ethereum mainnet at mainnet.cotrader.com

Transparent investment funds marketplace on the blockchain. Offers complete liquidity, asset control, security, privacy, and proven ROI. Supports cryptos, ICOs, stocks, shorts, derivatives and all tradable assets via its super-DEX hybrid exchange tokenization infrastructure and anonymizable smart funds protocol.

There is no other platform that has your privacy and security at heart. In technical terms: CoTrader's patent-pending technology involves a custom zk-SNARKs protocol that extends privacy-preserving co-trading to cross-blockchain decentralized exchange mechanisms.
Because of CoTrader’s powerful network effects, loyalty rewards, real working demonstrated MVP, and first-mover-advantage with the solution to a widespread problem, it’s positioned to be a dominant protocol and novel ledger technology upon which all decentralized trading dApps could offer private trading and cotrading.

CoTrader SuperDEX Infrastructure

Fund managers can trade assets on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). CoTrader provides a SuperDEX infrastructure that pools other DEXs together for maximum the liquidity and power. The initial integrations into the CoTrader platform will use Bancor, Kyber and 0x exchanges .

Further DEXs will be added over time as well as a native CoTrader DEX. This will be done on the fund manager dashboard which will also provide tooling and charts to make the best decisions for the fund

Privacy Preserving Anonymous Funds Protocol

CoTrader's unique and patent-pending anonymous funds protocol extends it's smart funds protocol to prove fund managers' ROIs, but without revealing their valuable trading strategies. Anon funds can be implemented using any underlying privacy preserving smart contract mechanisms, such as zero-knowledge proofs and ring signatures


Our goal is to help people realize greater financial freedom by maximizing investment returns in minimal time. We connect investors from both sides of the expertise spectrum for their mutual benefit. We're democratizing investment funds for a creative world with fewer boundaries.


Token Symbol: COT
Public ICO: End of Q2 2018
Max HC: $10M or 20k ETH
Total supply: 100B tokens
Type: ERC20

1eth = 500k cot

Locked tokens aren’t usable until unlocked. For example, the Company’s tokens are unlocked
over 4 years to fund long term expansion operations of the company. Each year, starting one
year after the end of the TGE, 12.5% of the tokens would become unlocked to fund the project

Projected Use of Token Sales

CoTrader tokens are needed to hide trading strategy, as tokens will interact with our unique privacy-preserving smart-contract algorithms. All platform profits may be used to buy back CoTrader COT tokens. A DAO would hold all these tokens until a vote would allocate their sale towards progressing the platform further. One utility the DAO holding profits in COT is future proofing as multiple platforms will be supported (e.g. EOS, NEO, Hashgraph, etc).


CoTrader is the world’s first trustless “ICO futures” marketplace, driven by smart-contracts. Fund
managers are empowered to enter ICOs as part of their portfolios to take advantage of early
group-buy discounts that many ICOs offer. This is possible because CoTrader Smart Funds that
are, by smart-contract, to receive future unlocked ICO tokens are themselves tradable.
CoTrader’s own DEX supports trading these Smart Fund shares since each fund has its own
tradable tokens. This means that if a fund manager takes investors into an ICO position and
some investors want to liquidate their shar

Detail Information

Author - asyifa
My Bitcointalk profile link - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile

My ETH : 0x31E1baB2A252C6096343F7E1F92590CE91BD4024


BITTECH is a global technological company. The company mission is to make cryptocurrency mining a legal, easy, and reliable way to earn money.

Aside from creating modern miners, the management took the existing trends and problems of the cryptocommunity and miners in particular into account. This is how the idea emerged, which later developed into a separate activity of building several cryptocurrency data centers whose production capacity will be used to host branded miners and also be leased to customers for the installation of purchased Bittech miners. This service was named the Service Contract. By using the Service Contract, customers will not have to worry about searching for the best infrastructure, services, transportation, and of course any legal issues regarding cryptominer hosting.

As such, the BITTECH project makes mining accessible for the global population, supporting the core values of blockchain: decentralization, transparency and security

The modern industry of global mining will now have to answer several major questions that will define its future. The trend to consolidate mining pools in one country (China) and lack of consensus between the Chinese miners, the Chinese government and the major market players greatly influence the blockchain development. A technological leap and a modern and affordable solution for end users are required to resolve the accumulated contradictions. The release of a groundbreaking product sets a new standard for miner performance and will restore the network decentralization, and building data centers in several countries will attract new people to the world of mining and blockchain

BITTECH has opened large cryptocurrency data-processing centres (DPC) in Iceland, Estonia, Canada, and Russia. Every DPC is a professionally arranged platform for the Bittech One miner that includes our own, cutting-edge, 14 nm chip. Every DPC is a legal platform for cryptocurrency mining. BITTECH company has tried its best to develop infrastructure and technologies that make the mining process as simple and convenient as possible. Customers who choose our company get extensive service of the highest quality


according to what I know and read about Bittech, for modern miners, management takes the existing trends and problems from cryptocommunity and miners, especially into accounts. this is

how the idea arose, which later developed into a separate building activity of several cryptocurrency data centers whose production capacity will be used for branded miner hosts and also leased to you as a customer for installation purchased by Bittech miners. other than that the Service is named Contract Service. By using a Service Contract, you don't need to worry about the best search infrastructure, services, transportation, and of course any legal issues involving cryptominer hosting.


BTECH token is a digital asset of the system recorded in the ERC20 format based on the open-source Ethereum blockchain. Only the BTECH token can be exchanged for a Bittech series miner and a preferential purchase of the service contract for hosting the purchased miner in the Bittech data center.

BITTECH company has been developing miners and providing affordable global service since 2017. In the first quarter of 2018, we released Bittech One miner after having invested over $2 mil. Our ICO will help us present our mission to the global market and find new partners and customers.

PreICOwill start on June 20, 2018

Token Cost:  1 BTECH = 1 USD The
bonus is only offered during the pre-sale period and depends on the amount of your investment.
10,000 $ – 10%
of the bonus 30,000 $ – 20% bonus
50,000 $ – 30% bonus
100,000 $ ~ 40% of the bonus The
minimum investment is $ 100.
Accepted currencies:  Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum
soft cap –  $ 1500000
hard cap –  $ 5000000 
ICO period: August 20, 2018 – October 20, 2018. 
Token cost:  1 BTECH = 1 USD
Minimum investment:  1 token. 
Accepted currencies:  Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum. 
Hard cap:  $ 100 million 
token distribution and funding.

  • Series of working BT00-series chips;
  • Production of inexpensive and reliable 14 nm Bittech One miners – 180 days warranty, ROI is 4.8 months;
  • Existing technological capacities – 21 MW;
  • Independent project pool: pool.bittech.cn.com;
  • Financial plan that divides the proceeds from the ICO into two streams: 35% for constructing the Bittech data centers, and 40% for purchasing parts and production of the Bittech series of miners, including those for new algorithms;
  • Manufacturer's interest in the long-term reliable operation of miners: the service contract allows customers to obtain an extended guarantee for the time of the miner hosting in the data center;
  • Expert team with successful experience in implementing innovations.


Detail Information

JIBBIT - Ekosistem untuk menghubungkan komunitas ganja global

Industri ganja saat ini adalah salah satu sektor dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di dunia, terutama di Amerika Serikat, Kanada dan Eropa, dan tingkat pertumbuhan di atas rata-rata diperkirakan akan terus berlanjut untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Gelombang legalisasi global meningkatkan permintaan untuk aksesori dan solusi yang dibutuhkan untuk penggunaan sehari-hari di sektor ini. Pada saat yang sama, jumlah resep palsu semakin meningkat, yang merupakan masalah besar bagi banyak apotek, dokter dan perusahaan asuransi kesehatan.

Blockchain menyediakan alat teknologi untuk menciptakan ekosistem Jibbit. Dalam jaringan ini, konsumen, produsen, dan pemasok dapat saling menemukan. Setiap transaksi disimpan dalam bentuk terenkripsi. Mengubah atau memalsukan data yang disimpan di Blockchain hampir tidak mungkin.

Produsen dan produsen harus cepat dan andal untuk membawa barang dan jasa mereka kepada konsumen. Token Jibbit digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran di jaringan Jibbit. Jibbit adalah token kuat untuk tim profesional dari industri ganja, crypto-blockchain, pemasaran dan investasi. Tim ini memiliki pengalaman di bidang pemasaran, membuat tim ahli mutlak di industri Jibbit.

Anggota tim Jibbit telah datang dari masa lalu dan mulai menggaruk. Tujuan kami adalah menjadi pemain besar dalam pertumbuhan besar di pasar ganja. Tim Jibbit dapat mengandalkan penerapan visi kami.

jika Anda memerlukan ganja medis untuk mengobati glaukoma atau rasa sakit dan kondisi yang mengikuti kemoterapi, maka dengan Jibbit Anda dapat menghubungi dokter yang akan mengeluarkan resep yang diperlukan untuk pembelian obat di apotek atau di toko spesialis.

Tetapi bahkan jika Anda hanya ingin ganja dengan teman-teman Anda untuk beristirahat, maka dengan bantuan Jibbit Anda dapat memesan pengiriman langsung di pintu rumah Anda dan mengambilnya dari kurir. Baiklah, ini jauh lebih baik daripada membeli rumput dari anak yang tidak dikenal di taman yang terlihat seperti bintang hip-hop yang tak tertahankan. Selain itu, seseorang menjadi kaki tangan kejahatan, karena penjualan ilegal zat psikoaktif, yang termasuk ganja, adalah kejahatan di hampir

Mengapa orang menggunakan ganja, karena itu ilegal di sebagian besar negara dan bahkan disalahkan oleh beberapa sektor masyarakat? Ada beberapa alasan untuk ini:

  • Ketersediaan. Ya, jika Anda benar-benar terisolasi dari perusahaan yang menggunakan ganja dan tidak dijual di toko atau apotek di negara Anda, maka agak sulit untuk mengaksesnya. Tetapi berada di luar masyarakat semacam itu hampir tidak mungkin di zaman kita, ketika mariyuana merupakan bagian integral dari rekreasi perusahaan-perusahaan muda modern.
  • Harga. Sementara ganja ilegal - itu mahal. Ketika disahkan, itu menjadi lebih mahal karena berbagai lisensi dan biaya. Tetapi bahkan harga ini lebih rendah daripada sebotol wiski berkualitas menengah. Dosis alkohol, yang memberikan efek yang sebanding dengan beberapa ganja, jauh lebih tinggi, yang berarti bahwa konsumsi produk juga meningkat. Sebotol wiski dapat digunakan oleh empat orang. Satu ons ganja dapat digunakan oleh perusahaan besar.
  • Efek. Para ilmuwan di Berkeley telah menemukan bahwa hampir semua orang yang telah mencoba ganja untuk pertama kalinya, perhatikan bahwa efeknya jauh lebih positif daripada keracunan alkohol. Ganja tidak menyebabkan seseorang dalam tindakan marginal, seperti memulai konflik atau merusak properti. Namun, alkohol melakukan semuanya. Bahkan orang-orang eksternal yang tenang dan damai bisa marah dengan si mabuk. Terlebih lagi, ditunjukkan bahwa alkohol tidak dapat meringankan stres psikologis, hanya menunda untuk beberapa waktu.
  • Efek. Perhatikan baik-baik orang yang telah menggunakan marijuana secara teratur selama sepuluh tahun dan tidak mengerti perubahan apa yang terjadi padanya karena trauma. Dan sekarang lihatlah orang yang minum secara teratur dalam jumlah kecil selama sepuluh tahun, dan bahkan tanpa memeriksa penampilannya secara rinci, Anda akan menjadi jelas apa yang sebenarnya terjadi padanya: kehilangan elastisitas kulit, penampilan kosong dan depresi kronis. Ini menyedihkan, tapi sayangnya.

Penjualan Token

Melalui partisipasi Anda dalam penjualan token Jibbit (JIB) kami, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk mendukung Jibbit dan untuk membantu merevolusi pasar ganja di seluruh dunia dan juga untuk mempromosikan legalisasi. Kami yakin bahwa pasar ganja yang sangat kompleks dan buram harus dimodernkan berkat teknologi Blockchain.

Anonimitas dan transparansi dan keamanan yang terkait dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan manfaat di bidang ini dan untuk memperkuat kepercayaan para peserta. Ini juga akan meningkatkan citra ganja yang buruk di dunia. Dengan hampir 200 juta orang, komunitas ganja adalah salah satu yang terbesar di dunia.

Penjualan token akan berlangsung di www.jibbit.io dan diharapkan akan dimulai pada 1 Juni 2018. Ini akan berakhir dengan mencapai batas hard cap * sekitar 18 juta USD atau selambatnya pada 15 Desember 2018.

Perhitungan in-house telah menghasilkan target pembiayaan minimum dari soft cap 1 juta USD. Realisasi proyek tidak mungkin di bawah jumlah ini. Token yang tidak terjual dari pribadi dan presale masuk ke dalam penjualan utama. Semua token yang tidak terjual akan dibakar.

Nama Jibbit Token
Simbol Token JI
Marker Jenis Token Utilitas
Platform Ethereum
Jumlah total 700 juta Token
Dijual 420.000.000
Harga untuk Token Jibbit 0,05 USD
Harga untuk Token Jibbit 0,05 USD
Harga untuk Token Jibbit 0,05 USD
Softcap 1.000.000 USD
Hardcap 18.000.000 USD

Peta jalan

Q2 2017
Analisis pasar pasar Ganja
E Commerce - Pembayaran Seluler - Pasar Kripto

Q3 2017

Konsepsi Jibbit
Pembulatan pertama (€ 100,000)
Tim Pembangun

Q4 2017

Pengembangan Ekosistem Jibbit dimulai
Perencanaan penjualan token.

Q2 2018

Pembuatan prototipe Jibbit®Doc
Pengembangan Jibbit®Runner dimulai
Pengembangan Jibbit®Marketplace dimulai

Q3 2018

Penjualan Pra Token
Penjualan Token Utama
Jibbit®Doc Testphase

Q4 2018

Daftar Exchange
Start lokal Jibbit®Doc di Berlin

Q 1 2 0 1 9

Jibbit®Marketplace menjadi online

Q2 2019

Final testphase Ekosistem Jibbit
Jibbit®Runner online

Q 3 2 0 1 9

Peluncuran mitra Jibbit®Marketplace & Jibbit®Runner

Informasi selanjutnya  

Website - https://jibbit.io/
Whitepaper - https://jibbit.io/whitepaper
Telegram - https://t.me/jibbitico
Twitter - https://twitter.com/jibbitico/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Jibbit-1196046843831431/
Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/user/JibbitICO/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jibbitico/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMa1BtqrJLn6446tLn79qA

Author - asyifa
Profile Bitcointalk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile

My ETH - 0x31E1baB2A252C6096343F7E1F92590CE91BD4024

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

SPORTSFIX -- Premium Decentralised OTT Streaming Platform for Live Sports


The idea of ​​SportsFix is ​​a distributed transmission in real time mode for a network of digital stadiums, which is intended for smartphones and tablets of sports fans in Asia. This system is based on popular sports content, both locally and globally. In principle, the project can be called an innovative sports-ecosystem, based on the technology Blockchain with the separation of rights to media materials.

SportsFix is A Decentralized platform live streaming for Network of Digital Stadiums mobile-centric for sports fans in the ASEAN region. Our platform streams popular local, regional and international sports content. This is a revolutionary digital sports content ecosystem based on Blockchain technology, unbundling and decentralizing sports media rights.

The Digital Stadium is the next generation over-the-top (OTT) platform powered by a token economy that allows sports fans to deeply connect with their favorite team, clubs, and sponsors they follow and be rewarded for the engagement through the SportsFix token. Digital Stadiums will are set up in a tiered fashion to promote community and drive growth. As a Digital Stadium community grows, more features are unlocked creating a better viewing experience for fanbases to enjoy.


  • Nontransparent and convoluted sports content distribution system.
  • Middleman markups and artificial packaging and pricing.
  • Centralized redistribution of revenues & centralized re-distribution system of revenues.
  • Displaced fans have limited accessibility to Live content of their favourite teams.
  • Clubs have little or no direct engagement with their fans.



The SportsFix Digital Stadium is the ultimate fan experience combining the excitement of live
and Video on Demand (VOD) sports content with the power of social media, gamification,
predictions, fantasy leagues and e-commerce all driven by the SFT. It allows fans to:

  •  Pledge and vote for their favourite content
  • Control their own experience by only paying for their preferred content
  • Engage directly with their favourite clubs
  • Simulate live stadium experience by interacting with other fans within the DS

This concept is a unique integration of blockchain (smart contracts) and ‘non-blockchain’ technology (OTT 

Group Content Bidding
Fanbases can unlock their favourite sports content and product features!

Personalised Fan Experience
Fans can watch their favourite games with a variety of cool features to choose from.

Reduce Cost of Viewership
Unbundling of content to individual games allows fans to only pay for what they watch.

1 on 1 Engagement
Sports clubs can identify, interact with and reward their most active fans in the Digital Stadium


It’s all revolving around FANS pledging SF Tokens for acquiring and unlocking content together (green lines) - no middle men any longer!

SF has reserved SF Tokens for clubs and initially sponsors/ partners (red lines) to “sponsor” game day passes to fans to enjoy one game for free while FANS engage with clubs, sponsors and partners in a 2-way communication (blue lines). Something which never existed before as social media platforms have positioned themselves between clubs, brands and the Fans.

The system uses the SFT marker. It is required for distribution of the system among clubs, fans, patrons on conditions of mutual benefit within the limits of sports content. If you are a fan, then you can access digital stadiums and favorite content. Sponsors can use coins to encourage fans and sponsor content. The coin with the SFT marker will be traded on exchanges for different currencies.



For further information, please visit the link below:

TELEGRAM - https://t.me/SFICO

Author - asyifa

My ETH - 0x31E1baB2A252C6096343F7E1F92590CE91BD4024


EVERID - Unlocking opportunity with identity

EverID has built a decentralized digital identity system to store and confirm user identity data, documentation, and biometrics. The platform is available to all human beings from birth until death. It does not require a mobile device to join, is encrypted to protect users’ privacy, and is interoperable with other systems.

EverID is a disruptive product with an existing prototype, a highly experienced team, and is working with a large Bretton Woods banking institution4 and UN Agencies. It is building the biggest single opportunity for expanding financial inclusion amongst

EverID is a user-centric, self-sovereign identity and value transfer solution based on blockchain technology and the cryptographic underpinnings of that system. The core focus of the EverID operating company is to create economic and social value.

Unlocking opportunity with identity

EverID is a decentralized platform for a new economy, incorporating a massively scalable payment solution with a multi-currency wallet and digital + biometric identity.

Over a billion people in the world currently do not have a verifiable identity. 2.6 billion people live without a bank account, and close to 5 billion do not have access to a smartphone. The combination of these factors prevents investment, enterprise, and institutional development in emerging markets. The lack of verifiable identity also prevents individuals from accessing the global economy. It leaves close to half the population unable to realise their full economic potential and is a major contributing factor to why 40% of the world currently represents only 20% of the global GDP.

EverID use cases

Cash Transfer
100% validation of money sent to biometrically verified users

Easy, cost-effective way for banks to offer money transfer services

Full solution to lend money to the billions of people and SMEs

ID verification
Verify users through biometrics, government IDs and third party attestations

Medical records
Manage documents hosted in the cloud or device, track healthcare for all

Combine titles, GPS coordinates, and identities to bank and secure land


Collect documents, biometrically sign contracts to serve billions of users with or without devices

The principles of EverID

  • All individuals can be included without a smart device.
  • The individual will own and control their identity.
  • Identity information will be shared selectively and be resilient against attack.

The ID token and the Identity Network ecosystem

IDs are a utility token enabling access to the Identity Network and every exchange of value in
the economy. Receiving payments is always free within the system, but users need to stake 1-100 IDs in their wallet if they want to send payments. Like within all large systems, the higher levels of
data, complexity, visibility and targeting require a larger stake, up to 250,000 IDs. Institutions need to stake varying amounts of IDs to gain tiered levels of access and additional IDs for market-specific applications.

Token Sale

There will be a maximum of 800,000,000 Tokens issued.
38.0% Seed, Pre-sale and Bounty (0.875%)
37.5% Team Members, Founders, Board Members, and Advisors
24.5% Reserve for community and ecosystem development




ETH : 0x31E1baB2A252C6096343F7E1F92590CE91BD4024

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

BUGLAB - Cybersecurity Penetration Testing on the Ethereum Blockchain

Buglab is a Ethereum-based platform that connects companies with a global network of expert cybersecurity researchers. At the center of our ecosystem, there are two programs - the buglab contest and Vigilante Protocol, helping companies all over the world to discover and fix vulnerabilities on their digital solutions or assets.

A blockchain is a thread of digital records across which different types of data are stored. Together, these distributed (or decentralized) records make up a database similar to the pages of a large ledger book. These virtual ledgers are hosted across many servers, which helps verify and authenticate any given transaction. It is an intense numerical process, across many machines hosted by countless participants, or miners. See also

The Buglab platform detects and remedies vulnerabilities on various business applications, websites, mobile applications, Internet of Things (IoT) devices , and smart contracts by transforming penetration test services into challenges, referred to as contests, for a community of independent information security consultants with certified qualifications.

Cybersecurity Market

Impacts on Return on Investment (ROI) are difficult to quantify, so it takes time for companies to recognize the need for cybersecurity services. For all-too-many enterprises, as well as individuals with any digital assets on their websites (content included), it often takes a breach into their system
before they take action to shore up security.

Corporations are often aware that their levels of computer security fall short. However, finding and placing qualified cybersecurity professionals is time intensive and costly. Regulation
requirements to protect personal data add another layer of complexity for cybersecurity solutions. According to a ETH Zurich conference
workshop, by the year 2025, there will be more than 50 billion online devices. A significant portion of the information stored across all of these ecosystems will need protection. The cybersecurity market is likely to grow non-linearly to address needs in this space.

Buglab Solution

The Buglab platform links organizations that have information security needs, which is just about all of them, with a community of certified cybersecurity penetration testers in an incentivized environment, where testers are rewarded when they uncover system vulnerabilities, ranked by severity and potential impacts. It’s done as a race against time. Importantly, finding unique vulnerabilities is ranked above simply producing a list of issues. Once a company has provided basic
information and launched the contest, the community receives a public invitation to participate.

What are BGL Tokens

A token on the Ethereum blockchain is a digital asset that is held inside a token contract, in trust for a wallet address.

The buglab token, identified as BGL, is based on the ERC20 standard for blockchain tokens.

BGL tokens are required for all transactions in the buglab ecosystem, from ordering a contest to rewarding pentesters and whitehats.

The Buglab Token (BGL) is being introduced to incentivize penetration testing in the blockchain environment. In the context of the Buglab experience, token exchange occurs in the following scenarios.


The Buglab platform also assigns a proper match using the Buglab recommendation engine. Selection can be made according to several criteria, including a pentester’s country, or their skill areas. The start date is always determined by you. Using the methods that Buglab offers, penetration testing follows a unique path, as shown in the following figure.

The scoring system encourages (that is, incentivizes) each pentester to be the first to uncover a maximum amount of vulnerabilities, and to obtain the highest score. Each vulnerability is assigned a score. An issue undiscovered earlier gets a full score. Scoring for duplicate entries factors in timestamp (to encourage early reporting of significant vulnerabilities) and the number of pentesters who discovered them.

Core Features of the Buglab Platform

The Buglab platform enables customers to either use the mass of pentesters or choose a validated team from a known company. Teams must include no fewer than five pentesters.

  • Public Contest
  • Private Contest
  • Selection Filters
  • Triage System
  • Reports
  • Chat
  • Fix Companion
  • Client-Managed
  • Mediation-Leaderboard

Vigilante Protocol

In addition to rolling out contests for enterprises of varying scales, Buglab is introducing a globally integrated hacking prevention program named the Buglab Vigilante Protocol. It’s a system that allows whitehat researchers to report on system vulnerabilities of a company that isn’t one of our platform’s

This protocol enables whitehats from the community as well as anonymous whitehat users to report vulnerabilities in a secure and ethical way to companies that are not Buglab customers

Buglab will be the creator and issuer of BGL. The platform will deploy a smart
contract system to receive contributions and to create and issue BGL to
contributors during a TDE. 

The Buglab Token

The Buglab Token (BGL) is being introduced to incentivize penetration testing in the blockchain environment. In the context of the Buglab experience, token exchange occurs in the following scenarios:

● To reward contest winners— up to the top three in rankings, or as customized by the client.
● To cover the cost of a contest, including transaction costs.
● To enable and tokenize “tipping” functionality for white hats.
● To fund both the VPR and BTR.
● To reward CERTs and CSIRTs for triaging of vulnerabilities and help build new partnerships.



Website : https://buglab.io/
Whitepaper : https://buglab.io/assets/docs/Buglab_WhitePaper.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/joinbuglab
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/buglab.co
Telegram : https://t.me/buglab
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/buglabProject/

Author : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile
ETH : 0x31E1baB2A252C6096343F7E1F92590CE91BD4024